BDL Környezetvédelmi Kft.

Urban water treatment plant in Yekaterinburg

Municipal wastewater treatment PURBAN®

15 000 m3 treated water per day

100 000 PE


Address: Urban water treatment plant in Yekaterinburg

Area: municipal waste water treatment

Municipal wastewater treatment PURBAN®

15 000 m3 treated water per day

100 000 PE

BDL Ltd. and Pureco Ltd., in cooperation with Pólus Ltd., are cooperatively executing the design and construction of the municipal wastewater treatment plant in Yekaterinburg (Russia) – near the Akademiceskaya residential area.


This residential area has been developing in the last decade with a significant speed and currently its own separate wastewater treatment is not resolved. Presently only a rough mechanical treatment plant is located within the designated area, where as part of this greenfield investment the future water treatment plant will be situated.


For the future expansion of the residential area the management if it’s increased wastewater flow is essential. The current 4-5000 m3/day flow is estimated to increase to a 15 000 m3/day on the long term. The plant load maximum after the expansion will be 100 000 PE.


The treated water will either be placed into a living aquatic recipient and/or will be recycled in a thermal power plant. The reason for the strict water quality requirements on one hand is that the Patrushia stream flows through the lake system of Yekaterinburg, on the other hand the thermal power plant’s treated water quality criteria are rigorous as well.


The development of a solution for the aeration technology, adjusted to the local conditions (-35°C in winter and in summer +32°C air temperature), the reclamation of the thermal energy from the treated water, and the fully - enclosed indoor design are among some of the responsibilities of our experts.


The wastewater treatment plant project is executed in two implementation phases, with four technology lines - based on the following main technological steps:


  • Mechanical cleaning (mechanical grid, sand and grease trap)
  • Biological treatment (MBR system , with an extra  carbon source administration option )
  • Third cleaning stage (RO)


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